Fashion: Saves more people than Doctors.

It's been said that clothes speak the international language. And I have to admit, I'm a bit of a fashion whore. I've been known to wear about anything from latest trends and inward to my own inclinations, no matter how wild they may be. Mix the blatantly pop, and trendy, and then pray to God it matches.

Feel free to fluctuate from week to week between superstyled, buffed, and groomed to gritty and rough, trading in your pinstripe dress pants and cufflinks for tattered denim and leather.

Muster the unshakable confidence required to pull off any hair style, whether it be the up-and-coming executive to the troubled youth, and get to know your hair’s character range, from sleek to messy. As the mood strikes, follow trends of the pack or diverge wildly off the beaten fashion path, into the realm of punkrocker and preppy boy foppery.

Little known to men is the fact that a masculine guy who is comfortable enough with his sexuality to blur gender fashion lines can be a huge turn-on to women. Think about how sexy a woman in a sharply tailored power suit can be. The phenomenon works both ways. How about a little splash of pink?

What? No, no. I know what you are thinking. If you ooze masculinity, like some of us do, you have no reason to fear pink. Embrace it. It's smashing.

Familiarize yourself with fashion magazines like Details, GQ, or Men's Vogue for a feel on how to mix and match you're own wardrobe and/or how to enhance it.

Steal the styles, of A-list celebrities, right off their back from the likes of Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, to David Beckham. With David Beckham every body wants to be in his boots and every man wants to be in his miss's. Beckham has made a habit of setting runway trends with unexpected clothing details such as a cummerbund worn in a casual setting or dressed-down sneakers with formal wear. Follow his example and play with clothing pieces out of context. The charm of David’s style lies in the element of surprise, and the best lesson to be learned from him is that bending and flowing with and against the tide keeps things interesting.

Check out our Top 10: Quick Fashion Tips for Men Article.

What unique style or fashion accessories make you feel like a Million Bucks? We'd love to hear them.


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