Wheel of Fortune. Get your spin on!

About: Wheel of Fortune, made its debut in 1975, its an American television game show where three contestants compete against each other to solve word puzzles for cash and prizes.

Prizes should include places you wouldn't want to visit like Iraq, North Korea, Zimbabwe, middle states like Nebraska or Missouri, or any other axis of evil. "Jenny, you just won a fabulous trip to Somalia!"

Wish I had Vanna White's job, she's been flipping letters, clapping, and strutting her stuff since the show first aired along with Pat Sajak. But, I probably couldn't land her job because like all jobs you need experience. "Oh, I see on you're resume you haven't yet acquired flipping letters skills." But, I've got a killer clap, and I'm really, really, ridiculously good looking. Does that count?

How'd I fair: Eh, probably just start calling out numbers instead of letters or try spinning the wheel the other way.

South Park. "Wheel of Fortune" subject is "People Who Annoy You."


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