I'm NOT a player. I just flirt a lot.
How to reel them in with flirting? Flirting is an important behavior that is both complex and fundamental. Everyone in the world, at some point in their lives will need to acquaint themselves with the art of flirtation if they want to experience the pleasures of the opposite (...or same) sex.
Women can sometimes be hard to read. You meet. She flirts. She touches your magic stick. NO! You're arm. You're totally going to score, right? Maybe not. A woman tends to flirt, while she's deciding whether or not she likes you. About 80% of the time men misinterpret these signals. But, nonetheless, her flirting isn't always a tease. It's an evolutionary-driven effort to find out as much information about you before she shares her true intentions.
With mountains of advice to successfully guide men and women on how to flirt effectively, where does one start to acquire this knowledge?
So, we've decided to lay down some distinct signs that she or he is flirting with you, so you can recognize the bait they have laid for your affections.
Top 10: (Signs she's flirting)
1. She smiles
2. She keeps walking by you
3. She draws attention to her face
4. She isolates herself
5. She mimics your body movements
6. She touches you
7. She holds eye contact with you
8. She approaches you to talk
9. She dresses to catch you attention
10. She plays with her hair
Note: Sometimes her intentions are obvious. But if you can't connect the dots and figure out if she's interested, be a man, cut through the coyness with a straightforward approach. "Yeah, you alright baby? You look alright still, yeah what's your name?" "Just get out my face, just leave me alone!"
Top 10: (Signs he's flirting)
1. Sticks his chest out
2. Constant checking you out
3. Nervousness
4. Show offs to grab your attention
5. Random grunts like a monkey to show male dominance
6. Teases and jokes with you
7. Winks at you from a distance
8. Smiles suggestively
9. Engages in direct eye contact
10. Casually touches you
In this day and age, it's hard to tell who's single and who's not, its like Where's Waldo.
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